Sunday, August 3, 2008

Understanding Holistic Health

Every thought and emotion affects your health. A holistic health approach encompasses treating the whole person: the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Traditional cultures have known for thousands of years that these aspects are intimately connected. Every food we eat, every thought we entertain, every emotion we feel and every interaction we experience impacts overall health.

Many blame their health problems on genetics, a virus, toxins in the air, and stress. While these factors can contribute to illness, very often problems result from a lack of fundamental health-enhancing qualities such as responsibility, a strong will, family support, passion, a balanced lifestyle and a knowledge of good health. Without these, whatever modality is chosen becomes just another pill to be taken and discarded when symptoms disappear.

When disease is artificially removed without changing the underlying cause, long-term health will NOT be achieved. The quick fix approach brings little or no permanent success. I am not suggesting that we abandon medical treatment. I am recommending that we look for the deeper causes of the problem from a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and lifestyle perspective. We need to take the holistic health perspective. Lasting solutions can be found to multiple illnesses of society by getting at the root of the problem holistically.

I have observed patterns among those who have successfully reversed health problems. These traits are not rigid models. We all have them to some degree. They are holistic health approaches that each of us can maximize in our own unique way to return to our natural state of health.

Here are some very important steps you must take to achieve optimal holistic health. I can assure you that by putting these into practice, your overall health will be much improved! Sometimes you have to reevaluate what it is that you are doing with your life. By doing this, you will start to see the big picture.

Lets start with the first step, RESPONSIBILITY. This means not blindly accepting the opinion of some outside authority as the only way. Take a look at your previous choices for they may have led you to the problem. Then recognize that you can make new choices to remedy the situation.

I am not telling you to stop seeing your health practitioner. I am suggesting that you gather as much information as possible and make your own decisions. Taking responsibility is meant to empower us to make new choices for a healthier result.

Next is AWARENESS, which simply is deeply knowing yourself by observing your thoughts and beliefs, your choices and outcomes, and your response to the world around you. As you observe, ask questions. Do you believe you can recover your health? What does the illness have to teach you? Why do you make the choices you make? What do you need to know? Through questioning you will discover the things that seemed unchangeable are actually flexible and can be manipulated.

PROPER NUTRITION is the cornerstone of good health. Health and longevity depend on our daily nourishment. In 1988, the Surgeon General stated that two-thirds of the deaths in this country are related to diet. Our eating habits play a major role in many common diseases and emotional disorders.

Most Americans have a limited awareness of the power of food in maintaining health and reversing disease. The most effective diet includes whole grains, vegetables, low fat, no cholesterol, proteins and fruits.

LETTING GO OF THE PAST. Resolving conflicts and discovering their positive impact in our lives is paramount in healing. Resentment, anger, guilt and all negative emotional states are self-poisoning. They weaken cells and immunity and can be the reason for illness. Let it go and move on.

FAITH and the developing of sound judgments are important qualities in healing. Faith is knowing there is an order and unity to life, a sense of wholeness and connectedness with something larger than oneself. With faith, unlimited opportunities unfold, and we gain a sense of confidence in our choices.

FINDING YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE is prevalent among those who are healthy. Everyone has talents and skills through which they express themselves, and so do you! If you do not find your unique creative expression, you will be restless and frustrated, regardless of the success in the conventional world.

Purpose stimulates a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. With purpose, your life will take on much more meaning. I did not have a purpose for many years. The second I knew where I was going my life took a turn for the best. If you do not have purpose yet, do not worry! Focus on what makes you the happiest and visualize where and what you want to be. By working toward a goal and a purpose, you will feel alive and ready for anything.

Each of the above factors has a profoundly positive influence on your health and are more effective when bring them together. When utilized, you can go beyond sickness to health and happiness. Start with small steps and build upon them for a holistic approach to your health. Action is the only thing preventing you from achieving optimal health.

(from : The writer Colleen Palat ).

The Top Strategies For Losing Weight In This Lifetime...

Before you go on any diet you really need to ask yourself the following questions:

- do I really need to go on a diet, or do I just need to be a little more disciplined about my eating habits?
- would doing the minimum extra regular workouts make more sense than not working-out at all, but eating less?
- If I go on a diet, is my body going to be receiving sufficient minerals and vitamins to sustain itself?

Here's why all the questions.

Large numbers of people go on diets that don’t really need to do so, they are doing so simply to comply with some warped belief that the world expects everyone to look thin.

In fact, it could be quite counter-productive to go on a diet, if your body is not going to be receiving its required vitamins and mineral intake to replace those naturally lost during the day.

As a result of the above, before you decide to go on any diet, you might benefit from knowing that the most successful people at losing weight are not necessarily those who go on crash diets, but more likely those who increase (or start) their regular exercise program and eat more healthy meals a day.

However, if you are thinking of embarking on a diet, don’t risk doing so and risking further harm to your body without making sure you take vitamin and mineral supplements to replace those lost during a normal day.

So with that in mind, what diet plan you choose will ultimately end up either making or breaking your results...

So let's find out what kinds of diets MOST people are familiar with, and why the "MAINSTREAM" diets or fat loss diets aren't always the best choice.

What I mean by that is your typical dieting system or plan boils down to these three styles of diets:

-low fat diets
-low carbohydrate diets
-low calorie diets

Up first:

"Low Fat Diets"

Here's a good example of why low fat diets don't always forward you the results your hoping for and why you may need to consider an alternative dieting system.

Low fat diets have been in the mainstream for a really long time but if you look statistically speaking, more and more people in our society are getting more overweight year by year. With that fact alone it should tell you that just a low fat diet is not going to be the answer or end all be all to your weight loss issues. Why it's definitely not a bad start, consuming a purely low fat diet is not the answer to your weight loss concerns.

Up Second:

"Low Calorie Diets"

Trying to lose weight using a Low Calorie Diet STRUCTURED Plan is a sure fire way of failing even quicker than using a low fat diet plan. The problem with using a low calorie diet in and of itself is that you will do your body more harm than good. Simply stated, by using this type of method for weight loss all you’re doing is slowing down your body's fat burning capabilities which destroys all chances of losing weight. (You can lose weight using the low calorie method but all you'll lose is probably a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, after that all weight loss stops --- this is known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by not eating and starving yourself.

Last but not least…

"Low Carbohydrate diets":

Although the popularity of the Low Carb diet has definitely hit the mainstream of dieting fads at super warp speed this is probably one of the HARDEST ways of trying to lose weight. The problem with Low Carb diets are that they are to regimented and tough to follow for the average dieter. As well they tend to deplete your system or body of too much energy (carbs) which in essence makes it almost impossible to stick with that type of plan for any length of time. Hence, another failed attempt.

So where do you go from here?

There's one system I have been fortunate enough to discover that has been working for me just fine.

It incorporates a structured balance between dieting and real world living.

In other words let’s face it, dieting is no easy chore. But if you want to get ahead of the curve (no pun intended) you need a system that you can incorporate into your everyday lifestyle and still be able to achieve the results you want. As well without wanting to strangle the poor bastard in the cubicle next to you for doing absolutely nothing just cause you’re so irritable because you’re STARVING TO DEATH!

And you definitely don’t need some fluffed up un-achievable, un-realistic diet plan system that has you starving all day long and is no way intended for you to succeed. In actuality the only thing it EVER succeeded in doing was costing you money and making you a complete train wreck for the short period of time (hopefully for everyone around you) that you were on it. (Oh yeah, it also makes the fat cat shareholders at these big dieting corporations a lot more richer too!)

If you want a personal recommendation for discovering a diet plan that works, that is TOTALLY REALISTIC and ACHEIVABLE and doesn’t make you the FBI’s most dangerous (for irritability) check out fat loss for idiots dieting system. I’ve personally tested this product and I can say that without a doubt it makes more sense to me than any other plan I’ve attempted or read about thus far to date.

What I liked the most about fat loss for idiots is it’s straight forward no B.S. style weight loss strategies about getting back to a healthier you and stop wasting time on every diet plan out there (not to mention your money) and to stay focused, take action and make it happen.

It’s a real world solution for a real world problem.

So if you're ready to discover The ”Ten Idiot Proof Rules” to Dieting and Fat Loss, and you’re ready to find a perfect Dieting Method for losing 9lbs. every 11 days. Then you need to unveil a True Powerful System that will change the way you think about eating. I recommend and encourage you to visit this webpage and learn everything you’ll ever need to know about losing weight and keeping it off once and for all!

Quite honestly, if you’ve ever even considered wanting to lose weight in this Lifetime than you need to go here now and see for yourself what Fat Loss For Idiots can do for your life and you’re health.

(from writer Mark Battalini )

Different Herbs for Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety disorders are a common problem, affecting approximately 20 million adults and children in America. Anxiety is a common emotion consisting of uncertainty and worry faced by many, whilst anxiety disorders are when such fears are experienced irrationally. There are many treatments available, ranging from medication to therapy and alternative treatments. One treatment is through using natural herbal supplements.

Natural herbs are less costly than medication, and consist of herbs, vitamins and botanicals. They can be taken individually, or with other supplements, but it is best to first consult your doctor before deciding on natural herbs as a treatment for anxiety disorders. They also have the advantage of having no side effects, as compared to medications which can result in side effects such as nausea. Below are some common herbs used in anxiety disorders treatment.

1. Passion Flower

This is a natural plant that is used to treat anxiety, amongst other ailments. Its has unique calming properties, and can also reduce body tremors from fear. It promotes better sleep, and can act as a painkiller. It also contains anti depressants, and is used for high blood pressure and epilepsy.

2. Lavender

This is a more popular alternative than the passion flower, and is also known for its calming properties. It is also one of the more effective treatments for panic attacks, and is a tonic for the nervous system.

3. Lemon Balm

This is used to calm the digestive and nervous system, and also reduces blood pressure. It is uncertain if used alone, lemon balm is effective for treating anxiety attacks. It is usually taken with Valerian, Chamomile or Passion flower.

4. Kava

It is an effective tranquilizer, and whilst it is not an addictive substance, research suggests that it may be linked to liver problems.

5. Valerian

This is another natural plant used for treating anxiety. It also promotes better sleep, allowing for the body to rest and recuperate.

6. Chamomile

Chamomile flower leaves are used to make tea, and is a natural alternative for treating anxiety. It also reduces fever, encourages sleep and enhances the body’s metabolism.

7. Dandelion

The roots and leaves are used to treat the body’s internal systems, and through it, provide relief for some of the symptoms of anxiety. It is commonly used in salads and tea, and can also be used as a substitute for coffee.

There are many natural treatments available, and herbs have been used for treating illnesses for centuries. However, do keep in mind that it is not a quick fix, and can only alleviate the symptoms of anxiety attacks. It is advisable to seek out behavioral or cognitive therapy so as to eliminate the root of the problem causing anxiety attacks.

(from writer Greg Frost )

Herbal Pain Remedies

When you experience pain of any sort what is the first thing you think of? You want to rid yourself of the pain as fast as possible and as naturally as possible without a lot of side effects, right? Well, there are many different ways to go about pain relief. You can call a doctor and ask for a prescription or, if you are more health oriented, you can look into a more natural cure and choose Herbal Pain Remedies.

How do you know which herbs accomplish which tasks? Below you will find a list of the 50 most common Herbal Pain Remedy Herbs and what condition they relieve.

>>> Common Herbal Pain Remedies:
** Herb ** -- ** Relieves **
Aloe Vera -- Burns
Black Cohosh -- Menopause Symptoms
Boswellia -- Arthritis and Joint Injuries
Chamomile -- Digestion Problems
Coffee -- Athletic Stamina, Decongestant in Colds Flu and Asthma
Cranberry -- Urinary Tract Infections
Echinacea -- Colds and Flu
Evening Primrose Oil -- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Flaxseed Oil -- Menopausal Discomfort, Osteoporosis
Garlic -- A type of Antibiotic, Cholesterol Control, and Cancer Prevention
Ginger -- Motion Sickness, Morning Sickness
Ginkgo -- Alzheimer's Disease, Mental Acuity, Erection or Libido Problems, Anti-Depressant Induced Sex Problems, Altitude Sickness
Ginseng -- Athletic Stamina, Immune Enhancement, Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction, Low Sperm Count
Goldenseal -- Digestive-Tract Infections
Hawthorn -- Congestive Heart Failure
Hibiscus -- Hypertension
Horse Chestnut -- Varicose Veins
Lemon Balm -- Relaxation, Herpes
Licorice -- Sore Throat
Papaya -- Herniated Disks
Peppermint -- Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Red Pepper -- Pain Relief
Saw Palmetto -- Benign Prostate Enlargement
Tea -- Heart Health, Cancer Prevention, Bad Breath, Gum Disease, Athlete's Foot
Turmeric -- Arthritis, Joint Injuries
Valerian -- Insomnia
White Willow Bark -- Back Pain

The above are a list of the 50 most common Herbal Pain Remedies. There are many more out there that you can try and use however; these are just a look at the ones that are used on a regular basis. Some of these works well alone to relieve your pain and some of them actually work to relieve the condition that the pain is caused by.

As you can plainly see from this shortened list of Herbal Pain Remedies, there are many different herbs out there that have healing or pain relief features. The secret is to identify the pain including the source of the pain if possible, and then search for an herb that will relieve your pain Once you have the pain manageable, then further investigate and locate an herb that will ease the ailment that caused the pain.

I can not guarantee that there is an herb that will cure every ailment but if you are thorough and consistent when it comes to checking for cures and pain relieve of a given ailment, you will surely be able to receive some assistance in both pain relieve and hopefully becoming healthier.

In conclusion, the body is a very complex unit. When part of the body becomes unhealthy it usually triggers a response of pain in one sense or another. If you are careful to use Herbal Pain Remedies, your body will stay healthier and may actually repair the damage that is causing the pain and not just mask it.

(from .The writer Zachary Lingh )

Natural Remedies Or Conventional Medicine?

Which is more effective, alternative or conventional medicine?

This is a question that is on the minds of many consumers today. There are many different ailments and conditions people suffer from, and there are many different natural remedies and conventional medicines available to them. Choosing the best treatment can be difficult, with effectiveness and price being the most important factors in us making our choice. On one hand, you have the holistic healers, herbalisits, and homeopaths who believe in naturalistic healing for most conditions. They believe the earth provides us with all we need to deal with pain, and other health problems. On the other hand, you have the conventional medical experts and doctors who raise their eyebrows at the thought of any natural product providing the same relief as expensive prescription medicines. The truth is that we do need conventional medicine because there are many serious conditions that do call for stronger, man made drugs, and some of these conditions have not responded well to natural remedies or alternative medicine. There is also truth in the belief that many ailments can be cured and prevented through the use of natural herbs. Many studies indicate that natural remedies are in fact more effective in treating certain medical conditions.

Does cost play an important role in our decision making process?

The answer is a resounding yes! Many consumers are purposely avoiding prescription drugs because of their expensive price tags. This number is growing fast, especially with the current state of the economy. The average savings on an alternative medicine can be 60% or better, making these medicines quite attractive to a saavy consumer. It is important for us to make the best financial decision of course, but it's more important to get the most effective treatment, so we must choose wisely. In many cases, a combination of alternative and conventional medicines provides the best treatment.

( from writer Neil Thrasher

The Number One Health Problem in America

Do a Google search for the "number one health problem" and you will dig up tens of thousands of sites claiming that the #1 health problem in America is such evils as- substance abuse, obesity, stress, Aids, lack of sleep, heart disease, mental health, etc, While I agree that these are serious problems, with far ranging effects, I believe the number one health problem in America is lack of fiber. The US Surgeon General recommends 20-35 grams of dietary fiber a day, but with the average intake of only 10-15 grams, most Americans aren't even getting half the minimum requirements. It's my opinion that insufficient dietary fiber impairs the health of more Americans than any other concern.

Dietary fiber appears to reduce the risk of developing various conditions, including: acne, appendicitis, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, bowel problems, cancer, chemical poisoning, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory problems, constipation, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, diverticular disease, edema, endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, gallbladder problems, gallstones, gout, heart disease, heavy metal poisoning, hemorrhoids, hiatal hernia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, impotence, incontinence, inflammatory bowel disease, iron deficiency, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney stones, menopause, obesity, polyps, prostate enlargement, senility, sinusitis, suppressed immune system, tooth decay, ulcers, and varicose veins. As you can see, insufficient fiber may contribute to a variety of health problems.

Dietary fiber is a virtually indigestible substance that is found mainly in the outer layers of plants (essentially the cell walls). Only plants produce fiber. No animal products contain fiber, not even bones or eggshells. The best sources of fiber are whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, peanuts), fruits, and vegetables. Fiber is often removed from foods during processing. Foods made from white flour are poor sources of fiber. Fruit and vegetable juices usually contain virtually no fiber, as the juice has been squeezed out of the plant material and the fiber left behind. Yet, freezing, drying, canning, and cooking do not significantly change the fiber content of most foods.

Fiber is a unique type of carbohydrate that passes through the digestive system practically unchanged. Fiber is divided into two categories according to its characteristics and its effect on the body: insoluble fibers, which do not dissolve in water, and soluble fibers, which do.

Insoluble fiber- Insoluble fiber draws water into your intestines and helps to maintain regularity. It does not dissolve in water and moves through your digestive system quickly and largely intact. As food travels through your intestines more quickly and is more diluted with water, exposure to potential carcinogens is decreased. Insoluble fiber helps keep you regular by bulking up the stool. Good sources include wheat bran, whole-grain cereals and breads, and many vegetables.

Soluble fiber- Soluble fiber forms a gel-like material in water. It helps to restore regularity and lower cholesterol. Soluble fiber binds up bile acids and disposes of them. Good sources include oats, beans, peas, and many types of fruit.

Don't start a high-fiber diet overnight. It's best to start slowly, especially if you tend to become constipated. Introduce high-fiber foods gradually, during the month. Also, it's important to drink more fluids when you increase the amount of fiber you eat. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

Charles Browne is an ezine author promoting nutritional healing, and disease prevention. He is also co-author of the web comic The Adventures of Deaf Duck.

( from writer Charles Browne )

Secrets of Optimal Health For a Busy Lifestyle

We all know the importance of staying healthy, getting plenty of exercise and eating a healthy diet. Unfortunately, in this fast paced society we don't always have the time to care for ourselves the way that we should. Here are some healthy ideas that require very little to no time, and help you take care of yourself when you are in a hurry.

Keep plants in your home. They help filter the air, eliminating odors and contaminants. They are able to remove up to 87% of the contaminants in the first 24 hours that they are in your home. This improves your family's health and requires minimal time. The ivy and dracaena plants require the least amount of care and provide maximum benefits to your family's health.

Don't just have plants at your home; keep them at work, too. A study showed that those who had plants near their work area were not as stressed as those without plants, had lower blood pressure and faster reactions. They also were more productive and creative.

For good dental health, we know that it's important to brush after every meal. If that's not possible, end your meal with an apple, salad or nuts to help remove the sugar from your teeth.

Drink orange juice instead of soda to improve your health. It strengthens the immune system, gums, teeth and bones. Speeding up the healing process, and helping grow and repair tissue cells and blood vessels are other healthy benefits of orange juice. It decreases the blood cholesterol level and blood pressure, and has even been shown to help protect against cancer.

Apply a lip balm of SPF 30 to your lips and SPF 30 sunscreen to your skin every day to protect yourself from cancer. Your lips are even more prone to cancer than your skin.

When you don't have time to exercise, stretch while you are talking on the phone. Walk during part of your lunch break. Park your vehicle in one of the far parking spaces instead of the closest one when you go to the store or work.

The little things you can do add up over the course of your lifetime to improve your health. Make as many changes as possible to have a healthy lifestyle, diet and to get more exercise.

( from writerGina E Clark )

The Importance of Senior Health

Growing older often means a heightened awareness of our bodies and common ailments that can occur more frequently. Issues such as incontinence, joint and muscle stiffness, or lack of balance become normal parts of our lives that we can minimize by pursuing a healthy, active lifestyle. Listening more closely to what your body is telling you, and incorporating some basic habits into your daily routine can greatly improve quality of life and possibly prevent some more serious health issues in the future.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a senior is very important and can be implemented with a few simple changes. Proper senior care and senior health can not only improve your quality of living, but can also extend the length of your life. It keeps the mind and body fit, protects against and fights off disease, and keeps current ailments from growing worse.

Ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle includes staying active. Participate in fun, rigorous activities such as water aerobics, brisk walking, golf or tennis. With increased activity, it's important to maintain a healthy diet as well. A complete daily vitamin is vital for supplementing your daily food intake. Make sure to eat well-balanced meals and in moderation. Taking in more calories per day than is burned could lead to obesity and other serious health ailments such as diabetes. Overall, you should remain active as you grow older and continue to eat foods that are full of nutritional value that also contain important vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy, active body.

Common Senior Health Ailments
The natural aging process occurs both mentally and physically over the years, and it's our job to make sure we are providing both our brain and our body with regular tune ups. Medical experts believe that there is a strong correlation between staying physically active and maintaining a sound mind. When the body constantly utilizes the mind to perform physical activities, the mind grows stronger and, as research has shown, can slow down the progress of mental diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Although age undeniably takes its toll on the mind and body, there are numerous ways to prevent or even ease the progression of certain ailments. For instance, osteoporosis can be prevented early by getting daily recommended amounts of calcium and Vitamin D. Frequently participating in weight-bearing activities or exercise also helps to lessen the chances of developing osteoporosis. Diabetes can be prevented or delayed by increasing your level of physical activity and maintaining a healthy well-balanced diet. A healthy diet and regular exercise along with maintaining an active physical and social life has also been suggested to prevent or slow down Alzheimer's. While these are only a few ailments many seniors face today and some potential preventative measures for each, preventative health care and treatment options are available for nearly all senior health concerns.

Advice for Living an Active Adult Lifestyle
Healthy adult lifestyles can often prevent health care issues from occurring or help seniors to improve their quality of life. Preventative senior care is vital to senior health and for keeping our body and minds fit as we grow older. Certain activities may thwart off illness, and will actually improve mental and physical functions. Here is a list of preventative health care activities for both the body and mind:

• Maintain a healthy diet - A healthy diet, rich in fiber, calcium, fruits and vegetables, is key in preventing or delaying most senior-related ailments. Providing your body and mind with necessary nutrients and vitamins is essential for senior health.
• Exercise - Regular, non-strenuous daily exercise keeps your heart, bones, and other vitals working as they should. Physical activity can prevent a variety of physical ailments including heart attacks, and can help build up bone mass (helpful in the prevention of osteoporosis). However, it also has a large range of mental benefits, and helps to improve brain function - which is important in thwarting the progression of Alzheimer's.
• Leisure Activities - Leisure activities encompass anything that provides a relaxing environment combining a social, physical, and mental aspect. This improves areas in both the body and mind which has proven effective in preventing or slowing the progression of Alzheimer's as well as many other senior health concerns.
• Exercise Your Mind - Exercise your mind on a daily basis by learning something new, playing games, participating in social activities, reading, and anything else that challenges your brain and offers an opportunity to expand your knowledge.

Preventative Senior Care
Generally, your family practitioner can help you decide where to go for certain diagnostic tests, or will perform the tests themselves. These tests may include anything from a bone density analysis to hearing tests to sleep studies. If you're concerned about symptoms, see your doctor for advice on the correct path to take.

Stephanie Rice is has been devoted to senior health and senior care for over 11 years. She works as a social worker with a diversity of long term senior health facilities and has been influential in the building of - a Website dedicated to senior health and elder care.

(from http;// writer stepanie rice)

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